# You can read my blog posts using `curl` I realised that my blog and its content, even though very simple and lightweight, are only accessible using a full-fledged web browser. I thought it would be interesting if my blog posts were available to be read using an even simpler interface, cURL! To make this work, I made a very simple Jekyll plugin that automatically generates a "raw" page for every post I create. These raw pages are available by prepending `/raw` to the URL of my posts. Try it out: ``` curl https://theread.me/raw/raw-permalinks-for-accessibility/ curl https://theread.me/raw/embodying-the-avatar-videogames/ curl https://theread.me/raw/rust-box-str-vs-string/ ``` You can get a raw listing of my blog posts at `/raw/`: ``` curl https://theread.me/raw/ ``` To make this easily readable on small screens and terminals, I used vim's text-width setting to make sure my lines do not exceed 80 characters: ``` :set tw=80 ``` And to reformat my posts, I went over my text lines (I avoided breaking code sample lines), and used `gq` to reformat each section. The source code for my blog is available on my [git](https://git.theread.me/thereadme/theread.me) server, you can find the source for [the raw plugin](https://git.theread.me/thereadme/theread.me/src/branch/master/_plugins/raw.rb) as well as the [layout file](https://git.theread.me/thereadme/theread.me/src/branch/master/_layouts/raw.html).